Vertical Urbanism

Vertical living, Vertical Allocations

How can cities expand upwards in a sustainable manner?


Our research is concerned with the role of laws and regulations in high-rise living and vertical development. High-rise urbanism is becoming more common in Israel and elsewhere, in crowded and densely populated cities, and it offers a new way of living and working (vertically). One of the challenges confronting planners today is determining how to provide adequate public services while facilitating vertical upward expansion.

Using methods from policy analysis, our lab explores the feasibility of vertical allocations of public spaces within vertical environments urban environments. We also study long-term maintenance of strata / multi-owned apartment buildings, the challenges of growing vertical environments, and the provision of open spaces within them.


Lab members on vertical development:

Unclear policies and regulations could create frictions
between developers and municipalities, and these raise debates about
construction costs and financial contributions developers have to make.

~ Mualam et al. 2021

The allocation of public floorspace goes hand-in-hand with the trend of high-rise construction, and is promoted mainly in core metropolitan areas where land is scarce

~ Mualam et al. 2019

Forever Young? High rise apartment buildings must ensure enough funds for long term maintenance.

~ Mualam 2017